Prismacolor on Strathmore gray archival paper 9"x 4"
© Paul Chenard 2008
Philip Powell Collection
We're featuring an artist who offers some great artwork for the guy into motorsports and racing history. This would fall under the category of cool and vintage racing stuff for Dads. The artist is Paul Chenard.
His professional background is that of a graphic designer with more than 25 years experience, but his passion is for the history of racing. He started collecting vintage toy race cars at the end of the 1980’s, which led to his interest in items, books and reference materials on racing history. After a few years of studying all this, he decided to transfer his knowledge to paper in the form of illustrations and stories. In 2007, he set up a company Automobiliart.com to market his creations. Paul lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia with his wife, two sons and a cat.
Vintage Motorsports Art Gift Ideas @ Automobiliart.com Blog